Although swimsuits seem a tough fabric reality is that they are as delicate as underwear. The chlorine of the swimming pool, sand, sweat, sea salt, the suntan lotion and up to the anti solar are some of the factors that our beautiful swimwear are exposed when you leave walk.

If you know how to wash your swimsuit, with what wash it and store it can prevent damage to your clothing ahead of time. Save you dress in the closet bathroom as if nothing had happened is one of the factors that most Club color and also your health.

Keep reading and discover in these tips how to get your swimsuit look like new from the first day


         Before using it for the first time: I know it is too exciting to wear your bikini for the first time but you should have a little patience and soak in water with salt or vinegar for 15 to 30 minutes so that colors are much more fixed and last longer, besides, the vinegar works as a disinfectant.

         Beware of the Tanner! Be careful with the tanning to avoid stains in the edges of your dress of bath since some of these products (spray or cream) bring dyes very strong. Watch out for the place where you plan to lie down or sit since the humidity can make your skin is Tinea color WHAT?, to stay with a texture not desired or Finally, remove your suntan.

         Do not forget to wash it after each use: The first thing you should do after being at the beach or poolside is wash your swimwear with gentle liquid soap and cold water, this will remove the chlorine and salt. You must never use hot water since damages tissue, color fastness, and shrink your bath gown, nor put it in the washing machine because the fabric is worn, or use fabric softeners as the elastic and fibers can give.

         Don’t let it soak in soapy water: This makes it fading.

         Care the decor: If your bikini or trikini has some decorated with Rhinestones and details how collected be very careful! Wash it carefully by hand and by parties so that these will not be falling or marring.

         How do you dry it? The best method of drying will always leave it outdoors on a smooth surface so that no deformity, in addition to this, make sure that it is not under the Sun so that it is not clarified. and that Yes, none of dryer!

         Saved: ! Protects your wear of the humidity! keep it in an airtight bag or a bag of soft fabric in your drawer taking care that it is not too depressed with other clothes.


Keep these recommendations and put them in practice, we promise that your dresses of bath skin cinnamon is will be so beautiful as from the first day.

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